Cleaning headstones in the Hunter Grant Cemetery in Sunbury, PA

Wreaths Across America

Presenting gift cards to members of the Point Township Fire Co and the Sunbury Steam #1 Company to thank them for all they do for the community.

Christmas Party at Marzoni's
December 11, 2023
Our speaker was Doug Madenford who shared with us Pennyslvania Dutch Christmas customs
May 19, 2023
We placed 232 flags on veterans' graves at the Evergreen Cemetery in Selinsgrove today.

May 10, 2023
We enjoyed a wonderful lunch at Penn's Tavern. Our speaker, John Moore, talked to us about the history of the tavern. Afterwards, several members cleaned up the headstones of Patriots at the Stone Valley Cemetery where we will be placing an American 250! plaque in September.

April 10, 2023. Julie Barley from
Family Herloom Weaving was our guest speaker.

Victoria Rosencrans received the Community Service award for her volunteerism in Sunbury.

Welcome to our new member!!

April 8, 2023
Fun Day at a Paint Party Fundraiser

March 13, 2022
Our State Senator presented a program entitled Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories, the stories of little known women of Pennsylvania.
We also welcomed a new member to our chapter.

Celebrating our birthday!!

The members of the Fort Augusta Chapter, NSDAR, recognized the Pineknotter of the Year for her community service. As as a community organizer, she believes that if everyone chips in a little bit, it will make a difference. Under her direction, the 250th community celebration included fun, festivities, and the rich history of Northumberland including costumed presenters, historic homes, buildings, and artisans.
The members of the Fort Augusta Chapter, NSDAR, applaud her dedication and energy to promote and preserve the community of Northumberland, Pennsyvlania.

DAR Day of Action
October 12, 2022

Fort Augusta Chapter, NSDAR, members donated 50 gift bags to Cancer Care of Central Pennsylvania filled with a U.S. flag, bottled water, hand sanitizer, body lotion/spray, chapstick, tissues, cookies, and several other items for those patients undergoing treatments as they recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Constitution Day Luncheon
September 12, 2022

Celebrating Constitution Week
September 17-23, 2022

Sunbury's Mayor presenting a Constitution Week proclamation to our chapter, on September 12, 2022.

Celebrating our new officers, May 2022.
Photos courtesy of chapter members